Telaga Emas - Updates

22nd July 2010
Here we go again for another round of update on our Nemesis, Telaga Emas. It's not that we hate them for having development at the side of our building but then, having a tall building being built at the side after most of us have move in is just just......... not comforting at all. If they are building low-rise building or even shop lots, we don't have any qualms about it but, a 11 storeys tall building......?...........just unacceptable......!!!!
Anyway, what we can say is that we won't go down without fighting of course. We will fight till the end, using every option available to us.

So, what is the update you may ask.

Well, initially they said the plan to start the first look at construction is around July but until now, seems they are not doing anything just yet although they have cleared up the place. For what we can pray is that by clearing up the place, they would have come out with a recreational park for us to use.........but don't hope for the inevitable though. Certainly not from the developer.

Anyway,  going to the main point, we actually received a letter from MPSP asking us to give the consent to this project to move on but what we are dumb-founded is, why this letter only comes now when they have already approve this project in the first place. Does this letter shows that we still have the option to stop them from building a high-rise building at our side.......... or are they sending this letter because they wan to show that they are following procedure? You tell me!!!! If it's the latter reason, would it means whatever reason we might give them to object this project would certainly be rejected? We will see !!!!! We are going to make them run for their money if that is our last resort. We definitely have plans for them and hope we can keep to our plan for now and by doing so, hope they can change their project to other project which can bring joy to both of the parties, Telaga Emas developer as well as Vista Bay Residents.

We definitely can't stop any development happening around us but then, we should not let any development that hinders would progress to better lifestyle around us either. You might say we are selfish but then, being otherwise won't make you any easier as well. As long as you have a group of supporters behind you, at least you stand a chance to fight back. We are the first apartment being built on this road (Jalan Telaga Air) but we are not expecting to be the last. Beside Telaga Emas, there is another one coming up just end of this road and although they are the same, blocking our view to the sea, we don't really mind about it since its pretty far (about 300m) away from us. So, why are we being selfish on this Telaga Emas building beside us? Isn't it obvious enough?........ 50 feet away is a very small distance for our acceptance unless there are not other lands they can build on.............but until then, this distance is not really something everyone would agree upon.

Whatever the case right now, we can hope for the best, on Vista Bay's resident behalf as well as Telaga Emas's.


Anonymous said...

actually is lees then 50ft away.
And if u wan to know the real picture behind all this approved, u may ask ur vistabay developer. they actually keep alot of things with u all...

Michael Learns To Rock said...

Hi Anonymous,

50ft is what Telaga Emas sale guy told me. No worry though, we will meet up with local council on this matter soon.
Thanks for your information anyway.

Anonymous said...

According to local council. Telaga air plan alr approved and nothing can stop them to build.

And for those who buy seaview with higher price. What d Vistabay developer told ur before ur buy?
Airmas is going to build a townhouse. this have been told untill d airmas banner up.

But i can tell u all. they alr know what airmas going to build long time(since the summition of Vistabay plan). cos they summiting d plan almost the same time. just vistabay plan approved a bit faster.

Approvel for airmas plan is alr more then 1 yr.

REcent letter is just change of car park and also swiming pool.

I alr go meet the person who incharge of this airmas project at MPSP.

U all will be very sad and angry with what vistabay developer have told u if u know the true from MPSP.


Michael Learns To Rock said...

Hi Anonymous,

When buying a house, you can simply think that there won't be any development on any of your building side anymore since development is meant for everyone to share, you and me.
When purchasing a place, there is always risk that you need to take.
For you comment that MPSP already approve the project, well, i don't mind about this since the letter they send to us recently does not sound like it. So, question now is, does MPSP following procedure when approving this Telaga Emas project in the first place?

We will see........

Anonymous said...

(When buying a house, you can simply think that there won't be any development on any of your building side anymore since development is meant for everyone to share, you and me.
When purchasing a place, there is always risk that you need to take.)

Yes we take the risk to believe this developer.
Who alr know what is going to build beside and tell us other thing.

Do u go find out urself at MPSP?

Michael Learns To Rock said...

Hi Anonymous,

I'm not sure what they told you but for me, what I know from them still valid till now(Only from my perspective).

Actually when buying a house, a good buyer would actually need to do some research on it. Going to MPSP is one of them as we might want to see the blue print of the building, the plan surrounding it, so on and so forth.

For those who does not know all this, means there is always a risk. For me, when i buy this place up, my aim is for security as well as the size. Buildings that coming up beside would just be another justifiable development for every to be benefited.

Not so say that i'm siding developer side but then, what i'm trying to explain is on Vista Bay behalf and not the developer's behalf. If you feel that developer's are at fault on this, you can always direct it to them as this is a clear civil case.

For me, as long as they are giving us a proper building design which has highest quality possible, then what is there to complain. If we keep complaining about why there is development at the side or why the color of the building is like this, or perhaps why the swimming pool is so small, then it would be an endless issue already.

We should be stressing on the thing like building maintenance as well as security if we would want to live in a close community like apartments and condos.

Anonymous said...

As i expected. U will say that also cos ur unit is facing BM...

And another thing is untill now. almost 10 day pass. U NOT YET GO FIND OUT WITH MPSP...

And who is Vistabay? Who is developer? Who is management?
Who is commitee? Who select as presiden?

Tell Me?????
All is developer people......

And u say all who not found out with MPSP is not good buyer???

Michael Learns To Rock said...

Hi Anonymous,

We have plans on the MPSP. I can assure you that we won't be doing nothing.

"And who is Vistabay? Who is developer? Who is management?
Who is commitee? Who select as presiden?"

Fortunately, all the selection of committees are being done democratically. So, the questions you are raising up here is irrelevant at all. But then, I feel weird why are you saying that they are all developer's guys? Anyone who is trying to do the right things does not mean we are developer's people. Vista Bay is own by all the owners. So, this basically is not a one man's job. As owners, we all have our responsibility to take care of the place and not only the committee.
You have to understand, committee are people who in some way working
for the people who is living there. If in any way you think anyone of us is not doing their job then please,by all mean, relieve us from our duty. We won't mind at all.

We are here to serve.

Anonymous said...

hey KENA TIPU...

Not happy to stay at Vistabay,
why not you sell your house out...

Anonymous said...

Found out that there are 2 bicycles that are parked beside the management office?? just to check, whether it's for public use?! if it's not,pls take some action on it!

Michael Learns To Rock said...

Hi Anonymous,

They are not for public use and will advise the owner to put them in the right place. Thanks for pointing this out.