Elevator Etiquettes

23rd September 2011
One of the most used common facilities in the building actually bring about a lot of stories and experiences. Whether you notice or not , I'm sure most of you guys who live in Vista Bay Apartment would agree to what I'm about to say about this living etiquettes on the daily usage of our Elevators or some may call it, Lifts.

Since you guys are using this on a daily basis, knowing the condition as well as etiquette on using it is very important as it could effect your life one way or another. Today, I would like to discuss more to etiquette rather then how to notice the defects although I'm not saying the latter one does not important at all. 

Appropriate elevator behavior requires thought and planning. Here are some things to think about before you push any buttons.
  • Don’t stand directly in front of the elevator doors while you wait. Leave enough space for people to exit the elevator. Wait until everyone has gotten off who needs to before you board.
  • If you are moving furniture or large items, reserve the service elevator. That way you won’t inconvenience your neighbors by making them wait for you to load and unload.

Appropriate elevator behavior should be in effect the minute you step through the doors. Here are some smart tips.
  • If you see or hear someone approaching the elevator after you’ve stepped on, hold the elevator by pressing the Open Door button.
  • If you can’t reach the button for your floor, ask someone to press it for you. Don’t reach over people to press the button yourself.
  • If you are the person standing near the button panel, offer to press the appropriate floor button as new people get on.
  • Don’t stand too close. Move to the walls of the elevator first and then fill in the space. Give people plenty of room to move, if you can.
  • If you are carrying large packages or a stroller, don’t cram into a full elevator. Wait until an empty or nearly empty one is available.
  • Avoid using your cell phone on the elevator. Also, turn down the volume on your music player. (Not everyone wants to hear your conversation or favorite song.)
  • Break out your social skills and say hello to your elevator neighbors. You might run into these folks again, so be friendly, but don’t feel like you have to start up a long conversation.
Even if you were a model elevator rider during your trip up or down, don’t forget to make a proper exit. 
  • Ladies first is always a good rule. Gentlemen should step aside to allow women to exit first.
  • In a crowded elevator, it’s polite to step outside to let someone exit, then re-board the elevator.
  • Don’t push and shove your way to the door. Announce that this is your floor, say excuse me and give other elevator riders time to step aside.

A few final words for the wise elevator passenger — and this is the biggest elevator mistake that you should try to avoid:

No strong odors in the elevator! This could mean perfume, cologne, stinky food, sweaty shirts and, well, you know what else.

Source: Moving Today

1 comment:

shaun said...

Thanks for posting. Keep up the good job in maintaining your elevators. See my video on Elevator Etiquette and Manners. Shaun Kwong - Home Elevator Malaysia http://www.elevatormalaysia.com