Telaga Emas Updates - Building Inspection

10th January 2011
Got a letter from AIRMAS Development Sdn Bhd regarding our complain today and seems they will be coming over to our place this week to inspect our building condition based on the cracks complaint we file to them earlier.

Bear in mind, this building inspection is about 2 months overdue and also after so many letters by MPPS as well as Board of Engineers, only then they just plan to come. Although some of you may think that it's better too late then never, for some, like me, I would say we should not be in this mess in the 1st place if not because of them.

Anyhow, the date and time of the inspection is as follows:

Date: 13th January 2011 (Thursday)
Time: 2.30pm
Vanue: Ground Floor of Bagan Vista Apartment.

Besides going to the building common area cracks, they would be going to units who is in this mess as well.
So, make sure the owner of the complainant should be at home to allow them to inspect the cracks inside your place.

Please be punctual as i'm not sure of the time of their starts and end but one thing for sure, we don't want to be blamed for causing them to fail to inspect as I don't think they would give you any second chance.


Building Inspectors Adelaide said...

With a building inspector, he will be able to provide you with a on what needs attention to the house and then you can make your decision based on that knowledge.

Michael Learns To Rock said...

Thanks Building Inspectors Adelaide for your comment.