Earthquake Do's and Don't's

7th April 2010
Besides floods and typhoons (except for tsunami in 2004), Malaysia is truly bless by avoiding all those major natural disasters that are happening all over the world right now.

This post will tell you more on earthquake disaster but instead of focusing on other places, i try to focus it for cases within Malaysia. Since Malaysia is not located on an area prone to earthquake, nonetheless, we do feel it sometime as the shock might cause by some other place which is near to us, example, Indonesia, Sumatra.

So, what do we do when this earthquake happen, particularly in Malaysia. Since the tremors might not be strong enough to bring down anything big(especially a building), precautionary measure should still be taken in order to avoid any untoward incident.

During An Earthquake

Landed and high-rise property

1)Stay indoors! Take cover under a sturdy table, desk, bench or brace yourself in a doorway or corner.
2) Stay away from windows, books, china cabinets, heavy mirrors, hanging plants and other heavy 3) objects, which may slide and topple.
3) Grab anything handy (coat, blanket, books, newspapers, cardboard box, etc) to shield your head and face from falling debris and splintering glass.
4) DROP to the ground; take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture; and HOLD ON on until the shaking stops. If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.
5) Stay away from windows.
6) DO NOT rush for exits.
7) NEVER use elevators as the power may fail.
8) Stay in the building on the same floor.
9) Stay in bed if you are there when the earthquake strikes. Hold on and protect your head with a pillow, unless you are under a heavy light fixture that could fall. In that case, move to the nearest safe place.
10) Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that most injuries occur when people inside buildings attempt to move to a different location inside the building or try to leave.
11) Only go outside after at least 60 second from the last shock.
12) If necessary, ask the local Fire Brigade to inspect the building in case of any unsafe cracks or leakage that might cause hazard to the residents.

If you are outdoors

1)Move to an open area cautiously away from power lines, power poles, trees, high buildings, walls, and lamp posts.
2) The greatest danger from falling debris is just outside doorways and close to outer walls.
3) Stay away from fallen power lines.
4) Stay in the open areas until the shaking stops.

If you are in a sidewalk near building

1) Duck into a doorway to protect yourself from falling bricks, glass, plaster and other debris.

If in a crowded store

1) Do not rush for a doorway or exit since hundreds may have same idea.
2) Move away from display shelves containing objects that may fall.

If in a moving car

1) Stop the car quickly as safety permits in the best available space. However, do not stop on or under bridges or overpasses or overhead wires.
2) Stay in the car until the shaking stops.
3) When you drive after shaking, watch for hazards created by earthquake such as fallen of falling objects, downed electric wires or broken or undermined roadways.

After An Earthquake

1) Turn on the radio or television to get the latest emergency information. If electricity is down, turn on a battery operated radio.
2) Remain calm and assess the situation. Be prepared for additional earthquakes shocks called “aftershocks”. Although most of these are smaller than the main shock, some may be large enough to cause additional damage.
3) Check for injuries. When the shaking stops, there may be considerable damage and people may be injured. Administer emergency first aid when necessary. However, do not attempt to move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
4) Check for fires and fire hazards. Put out fires immediately if you can.
5) Check for damage to utilities and appliances. Wear sturdy shoes. If you smell gas, open windows and shut off main valve. Do not light matches or use open flames. Use a flashlight.
6) Never touch downed power lines or objects touched by downed lines.
7) Check closet and storage shelf areas, but open doors carefully and watch out for falling objects.
8) Check to see if sewage lines are intact before flushing the toilet.
9) Immediately clean up spilled medicines, drugs and other potentially harmful materials.
10) Do not eat or drink anything from open containers near shattered glasses.
11) Do not use the telephone except to call for help, to report serious emergencies (medical,fire or criminal).
12) Stay out of severely damaged buildings. Aftershocks can shake them down.
13) Cooperate with public safety efforts. Do not go into damaged areas unless your assistance is required. Keep streets clear for passage of emergency vehicles.
14) Be reassuring and helpful to your children and others who may suffer psychological trauma from the earthquake

**Source taken from MOSTI

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