Vista Bay In-house Documents

22nd March 2012
Managing an apartment building is not only about talking and carrying out the work to sustain the building maintenance, but also talking about documentation work as well. These documentations cover a lot of matter ranging from invoices on the task carried out to cheques that need to be paid to vendors and from meeting minutes documents to the letters that bear the JMB seal. All these are important and none of them are being neglected in our persue of having the best managed property in Penang.

If the owner would be able to noticed, there are no confidential information regarding the building management fund as well as meetingminutes are put up for public viewing. Even on the notice board, we do not really reveal all this to the public except for recent AGM meeting minutes. This is because, we believe that a lot stranger coming in to our place and getting information about our building
and effect certain judgement in delivering service to our place such as giving a higher price when doing something for us. Knowing this, we try to avoid all the internal building matters to be revealed out to the public and when we are talking about public, we meant non-home owners.

So, how do we deliver the crucial information like funds, transactions as well as decisions making agenda to the owners of Vista Bay Apartment then. Well, we basically put all those important documents as well as meeting minutes in one place and that is the Management Office. We decide to put in that place as its as common as it gets and at the same time, there are people who would be able to identify those reqestor as home owners. For Vista Bay home owners, you can always request to look at all the documents that relates to our building management. As for the Management, we can say that we got nothing to hide. We are the elected representatives from resident and therefore, our work is to serve the community living here in Vista Bay Apartment.

As of now, how we keep our documents are as mentioned above but if you guys feel we should have a better way to handle it then, we are all ears.

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