Pets in Apartment/Condo

2nd October 2011
Pets, be it a cat, dog or even exotic animal, are what we called, man's companion whether it's during bad time or good time. They always will be a pleasure to see but at times, it can be called a nuisance. Whatever this may be, taking care of them is always a task that need attention from the owner. Owners who think more of work and mixing with friends, then taking care of these animals should be the last option in the wanted list. 

What i'm going to discuss here is NOT how you, the pet owner,  can take care of the animals successfully but instead, is how this responsibility would be more of a challenge if you are living in a community living area. For a person who has more then 20 years of experience in taking care of pets, and has lived in landed property as well high rise building, I can say making sure problem-free pets in the latter option is always a very stressful task to handle. Why so, you may ask. 

Easy, what do you understand by community living such as apartment or condo? Community living is where you live in a place that you have your neighbours living so close to you as if they are breathing down your neck on every corner that you may turn into. Why not when the property you own is actually a shared property which we called common area. The lifts, corridor, lawn, driveway, common facilities  and many more all make up the common stuff all of you share. So, this boils down to a point where your neighbour might not like what you are doing and vice versa. For this point, if your neighbour are ok with you rearing pets then it would be great but the part which is most difficult is the one you need to please all the neighbours around you before you can even think about having pets. For landed property, you might need to please only 2 -3 houses that are nearest to you but imagine, you have more then 100 units to please for a high rise building. Its not an impossible task but I can say its near impossible. 

There is a loop hole in the law though. If you manage to persuade 75% of the residents in the same building to change the law from forbidding rearing pets to otherwise, then you should be happy but if you fail then your pet would need to go. Same goes for other stuff as in-house rules can be alter/change as long as you have 75% of the residents approve to it. This is the problem with community living because you need to please not only your closest neighbour but the whole building's neighbour.

Actually in some cases, many neighbour would close one eye to another neighbour rearing pets at their place as long as they don't cross their boundaries. If the owners who rear pets understand about this then they should be grateful and manage their pets diligently so that it would not annoy their neighbour in term or cleanliness, noise pollution and many more. That would be an ideal case but this  is not always the case from where I see it. After a while, some of the pet owners, which sometime have their judgement clouded by the love for their pets, they tend to do what they think would make their pet happy. Some even letting their pets stray along the common area and even letting their pets come out with all sort of noises like nobody business. Think about it!!! Do you think you would be making your neighbours happy about this. Seems that some of the pet owners forgot that their pet's future are actually govern by the people who they neglect in the first place.

The law already stated clearly on this matter. You are not allowed to bring in any pets into the building. If you think that this would be a big problem to you then I would say that community living is not your game anymore. Please have a respect for others before you think others should respect you in the same manner.

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