3rd April 2011
Every apartment or condominium around this country has their own security method in maintaining order in the building. Some hi-end condominium has security so thigh that even a mouse cannot penetrate. So, how about our apartment?
First of all, all the owners should know that the building management emphasize on security as part of their measure in maintaining peace and order but this sole responsibility does not only falls on the management only but instead, everyone in the building should be held responsible as well. Bear in mind that we emphasize security as our main concern before other items is because most of the residents/owners inside are family units and therefore, we do not want any outside source to come and disrupt the harmony inside and thus making this place a safe place to live in.
In order to maintain the level of security inside, we put in place many measures like CCTV, 24 hours security guards petrol, Touch Pass Entrance and many more. As I have mentioned earlier, we, as management can put in a lot of security measure but at the end of the day, the owners/residents would still need to have responsibility in some area on this matter. This can be seen when expecting guest or visitors to your home.
It is advisable that each and every residents/owners would be able to escort their guest or visitors when entering or exiting the building because basically, these guests or visitors do not have the key card pass to enter and exit the building and thus, would depend on others to do so. This will certainly cause a lot of trouble to guests themselves as well as other residents. Furthermore, some of the guests/visitors become agitated when they were questioned a lot by other owners before letting them in or out of the building. To overcome this trouble, I would strongly suggest that every unit's owner would be able to take up the simple responsibility as to escort and open up the grill door entrance to their respective guests or visitors either to enter or leave the building.
I hope all of the owners/residents would be able to understand why, we, the management are doing all this. Its just purely to take care of your well being.
Dear Vista Bay,
I strongly suggest that all guests must reigister their name and i/c no with the guard and wait at the guard house until the owner sign them in. if there are several guests in a group, at least 1 guest should register and state the number of guests. the owner must sign them in and sign them out.
as for the contrator workers, the management must issue them a tag to wear at all times. all their names should be registered. it's not hard to register in a book.
i'm suggesting all these because i've experience on several occassions that guests and workers wait by the door for the residents to open the door. dilemma, should i wait obliviously like them or should i enter and they follow suit?
i hope that vista bay would kindly see to my suggestions and act accordingly.
Dear Vista Bay,
To add-on to my previous suggestions, i too reckon that the motorcycle entrance should be sealed. I notice that minimal attention is paid to motorcycles going in and out. A non-resident can just ride in without checks.
Touch and go cards should issue to them. They should enter and exit just like other vehicles.
Kindly consider my suggestions.
P/S: Thank you very much and an applause to the Vista Bay Management. The residents notice the hardworks of the Management. Keep it up! Thank you once again
Dear concern neighbour,
Thanks a lot of the great suggestions. We really appreciate it.
We actually do all those stuff that you have mentioned and we always emphasize with the guard to make sure that all guests should be registered. We always remind them but sometime, things happen and some of the guest got away undetected. Fortunately we have the CCTV recording to make sure that we know who actually enter and where they actually proceeded from the lobby. Also, for your information purposes, there times when the guests you saw are actually the owners family who are living there where they don't apply for additional key card and thus, the wait.
For the contractors, we initially have badges for them and as of now, we ask them to register at the guard post and ensure the owner would come and escort them in. Most of the time when you see them hanging by the door waiting for someone to open for them, that is the time when the owner did not bother about them which they should not in the 1st place. For those contractor who came to work without owners around, they would be escorted by our guard.
For motorcycle lane, at the moment, we don't think its feasible to close the motor entrance permanently.
Thanks for your suggestions. We do always try to keep our place in check and intact. With your help, we believe we can make this place improve further in every area of living-hood.
Thanks again
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