For starters, owners can start to put their grill up already and judging from what i saw, they did it pretty fast. The so called, touch n go check point also has been placed up as owners now can actually drive in to have a feel at their new place. Just a safe reminder that, cameras have been put up in designated area and for those who think they can run away vandalizing the place, think again. Below are some pictures i manage to take while i was there. Enjoy
TnG From Outside | TnG From Inside |
Camera Within the Compound | Another TnG |
By the way, for those who still yet to register as owner in the forum, please do so as soon as possible as discussions are hotting up inside
on how we are going to manage the place. Please do join in the discussion as more owners get involve, the better.
The below is what u mentioned in the blog. "All of your guys thinks that your are so great, bought a flat and think it is a super condo, how much have you paid for it, RM650K ah? Just a tiny RM180K you think can be a bungalow in the air".
Check b4 u talk. Dun just denied what ppl or owner say.
Not believe?
go to check first b4 u 1 to blame the rest who always give comment.
The ppl who was very close with developer tell us, Michael is developer's son.
But Michael denied.
I not believe to the developer, so, i know what ever i voice up here is no point and nothing help.
Developer alwasy refuse what the wrong they being done and they being promise.
Your still believe they?
Sorry to Michael, i will not register into your home owner site, but i am one of the home owner at vista bay.
I hope management may conduct a meeting with all the house owner who are interesting to participate, discuss about the future plan or any doubt from house owner and may do explaination to those who feel unsactify to the project.
We are here to solve problem, not create problem.
The OSK, Habour Place so success, because the do what they promise. Just go to see their flyer and complete project, u guy will know, the finished what they promise.
I not blame Vista Bay Developer, but they must learn from this experience.
Hi hi......
kekekeke.....i could not stop laughing........
To the Anonymous who said i'm developer's son........kekekeke
Please check again....... don't simply trust people without checking.....kekeke......
My name is Michael Fong ..... go do your homework again....kekekeke
Well, i can tell you that registering inside will bring more benefits then harm. Owners who registered themselves have make their voices work out more inside as we have all the owners coming together in one place rather then you guys hiding outside there and coming out with all the rumours about the place and about me as well. Owners inside are all well informed.
"I hope management may conduct a meeting with all the house owner who are interesting to participate, discuss about the future plan or any doubt from house owner and may do explaination to those who feel unsactify to the project."
We are doing now actually....inside the forum that is. If you think having a meeting in a room is better then we can do it but since so many of us are still not able to commit to come together just yet(bz with reno and all) then why not we have it in this virtual world 1st. You might able to voice out your concern and you can hear other's owners explanation as well. Bottom line is, you got nothing to lose by registering yourself inside the forum and you have everything to lose if you don't. Its your call.
I go inside the forum, still got a lot of ppl like OOI Tan n again a lot of ppl also hide their name.
Better sit together, fast, save time. Y not. Please lah, not every house owner also can access internet. Put the memo at Our Vista Bay area b4 enter to lift. Invite who was interesting to participate come and sit together for discussion or any matter arise.
Dun just talk bra bra bra in yr blog lah.
You not try to invite who are interesting to participate, how you know this way is not as better as your blog.
Hi hi,
Most of the people who bought this place up are working proffesionals. I bet they have internet at home right or at least at office.
Anyway, a date will be set to have a meeting but i'm sure, right now is not the right time just yet as most of the promised work is being carried out right now since we already obtained the OC. If we do the meeting right now, then you guys might ask something which is being done at very this instance.
By the way, when you said most of the registered users inside are hiding their identity behind their username.....they are not really hiding but merely using the name that they like.......that's all. Registering is meant to have legitimate owner inside only and that is all to it.
If we were to discuss matter pertaining to inside topic, here in the blog, then we might have other non-owner comes in and stir things up which is not so nice.....am i right? If you really are an owner.... then you would definitely understand this.
Thanx for your time
是谁说里面住的都是专业高等人士,不是专业的有钱也可以买这里啊! 再怎么专业也是一个人而已, 难道就一定会三十六国语文,会用电脑. 我就是买这里, 也将住进这里, 然后不懂英文又不懂电脑的人. 可是我也想参与你们的讨论, 只好拜托我家小孩帮我写啦!
这栋Pangsapuri Bagan Vista有一百多户,功现在登记在这网站的人数只有三十几个, 请问这算多吗! 这也证明好多人都没办法享受到这里的最新信息, 所以如果有什么新信息是要跟这一栋居民分享或传达的, 不防也把信息分三种语文写在"Pangsapuri Bagan Vista"的"佈告栏"上, 好吗? 给我这个老人家一个放便吧! 谢谢大家.
Happy to see that you guy know to go thru the S & P agreement. I agree with Datuk or some one else, mentioned about the developer's worried. If they not hand over the VP or OC by this time, they will have to pay penalty to the buyer. My advice is: all you guy please go thru your S&P agreement. You guy may find out more and more regarding we owner's right. And most of the owner still dun know, after hand over the VP, we gain the key, you must check out what's damage find from your house... They fill up the form, if between the term and period given the developer still not repair for you guy, then you guy may take action againt the developer.... please go thru. For those who facing the problem...
Remember, the S&P Agreement is very important. If not understand english also can asking those who familiar with english.
OK.... Bye Bye
Hi Grandpa,
I don't mean to offend anyone and certainly not the owner.....but then again, I did say "Most of the people who bought this place up are working proffesionals." which means majority and not all.
Anyway, MOST of the information i put inside my blog are for you guys to read and also sometime, to update you guys up on certain things but then again, if you guys would like to obtain more information about the place, its still best to go the site itself and ask the person in charge there. Remember, internet is just another medium to communicate and i really do understand that not all go inside the forum.
Therefore, i did ask the management there to paste anything which you guys need to know on the wall over that side. So, bear in mind, this blog is just a trigger point for you to go ask which means you don't depend on the blog too much.
Do take note, we don't really make decision inside the forum, its just a platform for you guys to discuss. All decision will be made when we meet up physically later.
If you have any issue or any question you would like to ask, beside making a call to the office, you can always ask inside the forum and not inside the blog.
hello uncle(old man),
u kp complaining for wat. No one force u to come this blog and read one.when michael said working profesional means people who know how to think lo and not simple go out 'shoot' people wif words one. n oso, working prof does not mean need to get IQ 180 n above k.u wan to join the discussion then join good good la. go shoot michael for wat. no one pay him to set up this blog lo. if he stop updating this blog then how i go get infor ar. neet to thank michael on his effort already.
ps:i'm not working prof.
Hi guys,
Please don't argue among yourself on this matter. We are all going to live under the same roof later and no point in having faces when we meet each other later.
What i was hoping is that we can have a very close bondage among us living there so that we can avoid any outsiders and strangers from entering our place later on.
For now, the blog and also the forum would be a platform for you guys to discuss how to make Vista Bay our home.
By the way, grandpa, i will forward your request to have 3 languages translation for memo but then, its up to them to do it or not.
It is only low cost "Pangsapuri Bagan Vista" cost RM180k as mentioned by one of the owner inside the forum, then did you guy think majority people stay there is professional? ha....ha....ha....
As inside the forum somebody ready say, you guy all know who is posting to the forum, who write it who mentioned it, actually Michael will know, and some others people also can know (dun know how they know lah)ke...ke...ke...(hantu there), that y somebody talk until using the "cheap cheap word" to show their angry on each other. What for?
谢谢MICHAEL乖孙! 有你真好, 理解又有耐性的人, 明白我的意思, 不想有些人啊! 没耐性, 就会找机会乱骂人, 曲解我老人家的意思.
Hi there,
Its actually depend on how you look at it. The thing may cost RM180k but if we can take good care of it, it might turn out as nice as a condo in future.
So, basically, if the place nice and strategically located as well as nice in price, i believe it would not stop any working prof or anyone at least from buying this place up.
For your question, do i think that most of them are working prof.... then yes.......because i met a lot of owners up till now and seems they all falls into this category but then again, words don't mean anything now. You can just wait how it turn out to be then right.
If you really an owner, then why think about all those negative effect as you have not move in yet. Try to accept the place you have bought and make it you home. If things does not work out then we can always think about something else. We always have option.
Hi Anonymous,
I missed out a few comments above. Sorry.
There are many types of people inside but then again, i believe they have their own good reason to have this kind of temper. Some might like to criticize certain things and some people might not like to hear that and thus, these 2 kind of group may appear.
Words are actually difficult to use in time of making your statement heard. If you use the wrong words, then they might mis-interpret it and thus, cause all this confusion.
Most of the time are misunderstanding situation. That's why we have to try to keep ourselves cool and collected in order to live on a small community like ours now.
Regarding how they might know who you really are in forum, most of the time, the person who make a statement reveal too much in a word or sentence. It will be easily pick up by others since Vista Bay is a very low density population place.
Its what we call, what goes around, comes around.
really appreciate what michael is doing now at our place. hope he will continue his good effort and for the rest of us, i think we need to start to appreciate on what he have now and concentrate on making our new home a better place to live in. remember, we are living in a community place, so, tolerance and looking out for each other are the main key here.
hi, very agree with u. appreciate what having now, n build up good relation with the rest living at Vista Bay Condo...
dun like the polity party, always argu n push responsibility to others.
For those who not believe to developer again, then next time dun buy their project lor.
I think our Vista Bay Condo still look nice than others apartment lah.
Even not so high class look. But still with huge living spaces and nice location. We may renovate as beauty as we can to make our home beauty mah.
The facilities or equipment seem like not too class and not fulfill our request, but still better than other apartment lor.
I think the actual false is from developer side. The way and the sales tectic while introduce to potential buyer is wrong and mostly cheated word.
So, just forgive them lor.
And again, who can tell me, who is the fat man you guy mentioned in the forum? It is madam's son.
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